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Learn SQL for Data Analysis in one hour

SQL (Structured Query Language) is one of the most important skills for us, data people. So in this article + video, get the necessary SQL skills you need for Data Analysis work.

If you have any other database software available (such as SQL Server or Oracle), you can use them to follow this tutorial.


You need some data to practice SQL. So I prepared a sample dataset for a fictional (but yummy) company called Awesome Chocolates.

After you have the file, 


You can see this from “Schemas” tab on the workbench


Everything is ready. Time to learn SQL.

I made an hour long tutorial to explain all the necessary SQL concepts for you. In this video, you will learn:

Here are some of the example queries covered in the video lesson. Feel free to copy paste them in to SQL console to see how they work.

Once you understand the concepts I’ve demoed in the video, try to solve below homework problems.

If you want to cheat, use the solutions tab to see the answers.

1. Print details of shipments (sales) where amounts are > 2,000 and boxes are <100?
2. How many shipments (sales) each of the sales persons had in the month of January 2022?
3. Which product sells more boxes? Milk Bars or Eclairs?
4. Which product sold more boxes in the first 7 days of February 2022? Milk Bars or Eclairs?
5. Which shipments had under 100 customers & under 100 boxes? Did any of them occur on Wednesday?

1. What are the names of salespersons who had at least one shipment (sale) in the first 7 days of January 2022?
2. Which salespersons did not make any shipments in the first 7 days of January 2022?
3. How many times we shipped more than 1,000 boxes in each month?
4. Did we ship at least one box of ‘After Nines’ to ‘New Zealand’ on all the months?
5. India or Australia? Who buys more chocolate boxes on a monthly basis?



— 1. Print details of shipments (sales) where amounts are > 2,000 and boxes are <100?

select * from sales where amount > 2000 and boxes < 100;

— 2. How many shipments (sales) each of the sales persons had in the month of January 2022?

select p.Salesperson, count(*) as ‘Shipment Count’
from sales s
join people p on s.spid = p.spid
where SaleDate between ‘2022-1-1’ and ‘2022-1-31’
group by p.Salesperson;

— 3. Which product sells more boxes? Milk Bars or Eclairs?

select pr.product, sum(boxes) as ‘Total Boxes’
from sales s
join products pr on s.pid = pr.pid
where pr.Product in (‘Milk Bars’, ‘Eclairs’)
group by pr.product;

— 4. Which product sold more boxes in the first 7 days of February 2022? Milk Bars or Eclairs?

select pr.product, sum(boxes) as ‘Total Boxes’
from sales s
join products pr on s.pid = pr.pid
where pr.Product in (‘Milk Bars’, ‘Eclairs’)
and s.saledate between ‘2022-2-1’ and ‘2022-2-7’
group by pr.product;

— 5. Which shipments had under 100 customers & under 100 boxes? Did any of them occur on Wednesday?

select * from sales
where customers < 100 and boxes < 100;

select *,
case when weekday(saledate)=2 then ‘Wednesday Shipment’
else ”
end as ‘W Shipment’
from sales
where customers < 100 and boxes < 100;



— What are the names of salespersons who had at least one shipment (sale) in the first 7 days of January 2022?

select distinct p.Salesperson
from sales s
join people p on p.spid = s.SPID
where s.SaleDate between ‘2022-01-01’ and ‘2022-01-07’;

— Which salespersons did not make any shipments in the first 7 days of January 2022?

select p.salesperson
from people p
where p.spid not in
(select distinct s.spid from sales s where s.SaleDate between ‘2022-01-01’ and ‘2022-01-07’);

— How many times we shipped more than 1,000 boxes in each month?

select year(saledate) ‘Year’, month(saledate) ‘Month’, count(*) ‘Times we shipped 1k boxes’
from sales
where boxes>1000
group by year(saledate), month(saledate)
order by year(saledate), month(saledate);

— Did we ship at least one box of ‘After Nines’ to ‘New Zealand’ on all the months?

set @product_name = ‘After Nines’;
set @country_name = ‘New Zealand’;

select year(saledate) ‘Year’, month(saledate) ‘Month’,
if(sum(boxes)>1, ‘Yes’,’No’) ‘Status’
from sales s
join products pr on pr.PID = s.PID
join geo g on g.GeoID=s.GeoID
where pr.Product = @product_name and g.Geo = @country_name
group by year(saledate), month(saledate)
order by year(saledate), month(saledate);

— India or Australia? Who buys more chocolate boxes on a monthly basis?

select year(saledate) ‘Year’, month(saledate) ‘Month’,
sum(CASE WHEN g.geo=’India’ = 1 THEN boxes ELSE 0 END) ‘India Boxes’,
sum(CASE WHEN g.geo=’Australia’ = 1 THEN boxes ELSE 0 END) ‘Australia Boxes’
from sales s
join geo g on g.GeoID=s.GeoID
group by year(saledate), month(saledate)
order by year(saledate), month(saledate);

SQL is a great skill to have if you work with data. Please use below courses, books, articles & websites to learn more.

I recommend getting these SQL books.

I recommend trying out these courses on SkillShare academy.

Do check out these helpful websites to learn and understand various SQL concepts.

If you use my links to purchase the books or courses, I get a small affiliate commission.

There is no extra cost to you, obviously.

If you want an alternative to SQL, consider learning Power Query.


I wish you all the best with your SQL learning. Do let me know in the comments below if you have enjoyed this article and the video.

The post Learn SQL for Data Analysis in one hour appeared first on Chandoo.org – Learn Excel, Power BI & Charting Online.



Joseph Muongi

Financial.co.ke was founded by Mr. Joseph Muongi Kamau. He holds a Master of Science in Finance, Bachelors of Science in Actuarial Science and a Certificate of proficiencty in insurance. He's also the lead financial consultant.