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IRS Adds NFTs in Tax Guidance Draft – Investopedia

The Internal Revenue Service tweaked its annual tax instructions to account for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), replacing the term “virtual currency” with “digital assets,” which includes NFTs.
The move comes as cryptocurrency regulations develop around the world, and some aspects of the market, such as NFTs, are tougher to categorize than others. The rise of NFTs in 2021, which can be hard to regulate. led governments and financial agencies to turn their attention to them,

The IRS has altered the wording of its tax guidance in recent years to account for the crypto market class as crypto investors wonder about how to record taxation for their NFTs.
The updated draft for Form 1040 also explicitly references NFTs. The guidance for cryptocurrencies says that if a particular asset has the characteristics of a digital asset, it will be treated as such for federal income tax purposes.
NFTs have lost some of their popularity this year. Still, many companies and brands are still entering the space.
The IRS last year began enforcing more stringent rules on cryptocurrency taxes and released more explicit rules. The 2022 tax guidance mandates payments in scenarios that include receiving digital assets as a payment or as a reward, through mining or staking, through a hard fork, selling them, and transferring them as gifts.

The IRS has been working on crypto tax guidance since 2014 to make it more clear for taxpayers. The latest developments indicate that the agency is becoming more familiar with the crypto market and its terminology.
NFTs, mining, staking, hard forks, and other aspects of the technology have been accounted for in IRS guidance, which suggests increased knowledge of the industry’s subtleties at the federal tax service. This, in turn, helps crypto investors who want to be aboveboard about meeting their tax liability.
Meanwhile, the IRS aims to summon and fine those who fail to adequately pay tax on crypto activities. in September, the agency obtained a federal court order authorizing a summons for a bank to produce information about U.S. taxpayers who may have failed to report to the IRS, and pay taxes on, their cryptocurrency transactions.

The 2022 IRS tax instruction amendment on digital assets, including NFTs, evolves from the IRS' previous guidance as the agency works to ensure that all aspects of the market are covered.
Crypto investors in the U.S. can take comfort in the fact that the digital-asset taxation process is becoming clearer. Such changes lend increasing legitimacy to the crypto market.

Internal Revenue Service. "Tax Year 2022 1040 (and 1040SR) 2022 Instructions," Page 16.
Bloomberg. "NFTs Have ‘Fallen Off the Cliff’ as Sales Sink to Lowest Levels in a Year."
Forbes. "Why Big Brands Are Spending Millions On NFTs." (Subscription required.)
Internal Revenue Service. "Frequently Asked Questions on Virtual Currency Transactions."
U.S. Department of Justice. "IRS Obtains Court Order Authorizing Summons for Records Relating to U.S. Taxpayers Who Failed To Report and Pay Taxes on Cryptocurrency Transactions."
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Joseph Muongi

Financial.co.ke was founded by Mr. Joseph Muongi Kamau. He holds a Master of Science in Finance, Bachelors of Science in Actuarial Science and a Certificate of proficiencty in insurance. He's also the lead financial consultant.