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How to learn Python as an “Excel person”?

Python is a great programming language to learn for anyone in data profession. For people with prior Excel skills and a little bit of programming bent, Python is a valuable skill to acquire. Using Python, we can:

One of my learning goals for 2022 has been to learn Python. I have been learning how to write Python code and use Python to solve real-world problems since January 2022. In fact, all of us: Jo(wife), Nishanth(son) & Nakshatra(daughter) have been learning Python every week for the last few months. 

So in this article, let me share some resources on how to learn Python (for an Excel person).

The first step is to download Python & set up a coding environment.

Once Python is installed, you may want to also set-up a coding environment. This allows you to write code, execute, debug &  manage files with ease.

Writing a hello world program is the sacred ritual in software development. To create a simple python program that prints the message hello world use below code:

You can easily enhance that code to ask the user for their name first and then print a hello message.

For that, you can use the input() function in Python, like this:

The video covers below topics in detail.

As part of the above video, I build many Python examples & 3 mini-projects. 

The code samples:

As I said earlier, Python is a fun and useful language to learn. If you like a bit of challenge, I highly recommend learning Python. Here are a few of my favorite resources to learn & use Python.

Youtube is another popular way to learn Python coding. Here is another excellent getting started tutorial:


Note: If you purchase the course or books using my links, I receive a small commission. My recommendation is based purely on the merit of them rather than the payout.

Using the comments below, Do let me know what you use Python for and how you make it part of your work / personal life projects. 


The post How to learn Python as an “Excel person”? appeared first on Chandoo.org – Learn Excel, Power BI & Charting Online.



Joseph Muongi

Financial.co.ke was founded by Mr. Joseph Muongi Kamau. He holds a Master of Science in Finance, Bachelors of Science in Actuarial Science and a Certificate of proficiencty in insurance. He's also the lead financial consultant.